Changes starting September 1
31. 8.– Team study rooms and classrooms will be closed starting September 1. The seating capacity is still 500 and face masks are mandatory in the library’s public areas. Only registered patrons can enter the library.
Change starting July 27
24. 7.– Starting Monday, July 27, due to government regulations, the library is lowering its seating capacity to a maximum of 500. You must wear face masks, and we recommend maintaining two meter distance from others in the library’s public areas. For more information, please stay tuned to our opening hours page.
More services starting July 1
30. 6.– Starting July 1, it is possible to return books using the self-service return machines on the ground floor. You can enter the library starting at 8 a.m. We are also opening the After Hours Study Room.
New Books
Selected eResources
- Cambridge Journals
- EBSCOhost
- Emerald Premier
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- IEEE Xplore
- IOPscience
- Nature Complete
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Oxford Journals
- ProQuest Central
- ProQuest EBook Central
- ScienceDirect
- Scopus
- SpringerLink
- Taylor & Francis Online
- Web of Science
- Wiley Online Library
Newly arrived journal issues
Quick info
NTK Hours: 8:00 - 2:00 All hours
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Contact Form
(+420) 232 002 535
Mon: 9 a.m.- 8 p.m.,
Tue-Fri: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.
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Our Specialists

Jana Soukupová
- sojan
- 232 002 559