Civil Engineering
The library has collected literature in these areas since the mid-sixteenth century and is actively expanding its collection in these subjects, increasingly including eResources (eBooks and eJournals).
Newly arrived journal issues in Engineering and Construction
Most recent print journals issues are available in our Periodicals Reading Room.
- CTU in Prague Civil Engineering activities
Electronic books
- ProQuest Ebook Central
- ICE Virtual Library: Contains more than 1,500 trusted eBooks representing major civil engineering subdisciplines.
- Knovel: On library workstations only, for registered patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access to Knovel through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- ScienceDirect
- Wiley Online Library
Recommended eBooks
- Roy Chudley and Roger Greeno. Building Construction handbook. 2010. - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access to Knovel through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- Sam Kubba. Handbook of Green Building Design and Construction. 2012. - Also available in print on shelf 4B/216.
Print books
Books about civil and construction engineering are located on the fourth floor, shelves 4A001-4C054; call numbers TA1-TH9745. Czech building regulations are located on the sixth floor, shelves 6B063-065.
Subject | Shelf | Call Number |
Czech construction law | 6B063-065 | KJP5708 |
Mechanical drawing, engineering graphics | 5D168-206 | T351-385 |
Civil engineering (general) | 4A001-050 | TA1-158.3 |
Environmental engineering | 4A064 | TA170-171 |
Engineering design | 4A065-069 | TA174-177 |
Engineering economy | 4A070-075 | TA177.4-185 |
Management of engineering works | 4A076 | TA190-194 |
Engineering mathematics, engineering analysis | 4A079-089 | TA329-348 |
Mechanics of engineering, applied mechanics | 4A090-105 | TA349-359 |
Acoustics in engineering, acoustical engineering | 4A106-107 | TA365-367.5 |
Materials of engineering and construction | 4A108-4B029 | TA401-492 |
Surveying | 4B030-034 | TA501-625 |
Structural engineering (general) | 4B035-055 | TA630-695 |
Engineering geology, geotechnical engineering | 4B056-057 | TA703-705.4 |
Rock mechanics | 4B058 | TA706-706.5 |
Soil mechanics | 4B059-060 | TA710-711.5 |
Underground construction. Earthwork. Foundations | 4B061-063 | TA712-787 |
Tunneling, tunnels | 4B064 | TA800-820.2 |
Transportation engineering | 4B065-068 | TA1001-1280 |
Hydraulic engineering | 4B083-101 | TC1-1800 |
Environmental technology, sanitary engineering | 4B102-152 | TD1-1066 |
Municipal engineering | 4B108 | TD159-168 |
Highway engineering, roads and pavements | 4B153-164 | TE1-450 |
Railroad engineering and operation | 4B165-187 | TF1-1620 |
Bridge engineering | 4B188-192 | TG1-470 |
Building construction | 4B193-4C054 | TH1-9745 |
Protection from fire, fire prevention and extinction | 4C050-054 | TH9111-9745 |
Recommended books
Rare books
- Search items in our rare books collection published before 1920.
Online articles
- ASCE Library: Provides online access to all journals, proceedings, books, standards, manuals and bulletins by ASCE since 1973. Available to registered patrons.
- ICE Virtual Library: 35 peer-reviewed journals (28 with SJR rankings, 19 in Web of Science Core Collection), with over 36,000 online papers, and over 1,800 new papers published each year.
- ICONDA®CIBlibrary: This open access library a part of the ICONDA (International Construction Database) database and contains digitized copies of publications from all conferences organized by CIB (the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).
- Nature Complete: Access to all content in all Nature Publishing Group journals (one of the most impact scientific publisher). Available to registered patrons.
- ProQuest SciTech Collection: This collection provides full-text access to articles in the technological sciences and advanced technologies and more broadly in engineering and contains over 1, 850 full-text journals. Available to registered patrons.
- Stavební klub profi: Database of scholarly documents about civil engineering. Contains the current czech legislation and standards of the construction industry. Updated daily by renowned authors. Available to registered patrons. (Czech only)
- Other recommended resources
Electronic journals
A-Z title list of electronic journals in Civil Engineering
Open access journals indexed in the DOAJ
Recommended journals
ISSN | Title |
2336-8179 | e-mosty - freely available interactive digital quarterly released magazine about bridge engineering in Czech and English language |
1943-5495 | Journal of Cold Regions Engineering |
1943-7862 | Journal of Construction Engineering and Management |
1943-7889 | Journal of Engineering Mechanics |
1090-0241 | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering |
0733-9429 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering |
1943-5533 | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
1943-541X | Journal of Structural Engineering |
1943-5428 | Journal of Surveying Engineering |
0733-947X | Journal of Transportation Engineering |
0733-9496 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
0036-8075 | Science (AAAS) |
Print journals
A-Z title list of print journals
Current volumes of print journals in these subjects are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the 3rd floor, shelves 3D085-124.
Reference resources
- Civil Engineering Database (CEDB): CEDB is freely available bibliographic database with more than 200,000 records of all publications published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Updated monthly.
- Genamics JournalSeek: The largest completely categorized database of open access journals. Over 100,000 titles of journals.
- ICE Virtual Library: Free access to ten monuments of modern engineering from the pages of ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Publishing journals.
- SciTech Connect: Full-text documents in the fields of science, technology and engineering from the US Department of Energy.
- StructuraE: International database of interesting building projects (completed as well as not completed), with more than 175,000 records.
- Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) for Research and Business: The German National Library's of science and technology database enables search of more than 160 million records in engineering, architecture and other technical disciplines.
- TRID: Transport Research International Documentation (TRID) is the largest freely available bibliographic database of transportation engineering. TRID provides access to more than one million records from around the world and more than 110,000 links to full-text of documents.
Additional resources here.
Web pages
- Freely available lectures, tutorials, eBooks, notes for your courses, software, and a wiki encyclopedia covering construction industry topics.
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): ASCE is a professional organization based since 1852 in Reston, Virginia, which represents members of the construction industry worldwide.
- Arcat: Directory of manufacturers of building products and building associations. Architectural CAD Drawings in DWG or DXF formats for use with AutoCAD and other 2D and 3D design software are available for free download.
- Czech Building Industry Portal: Provides comprehensive construction information not only about legislation in the Czech Republic, but also building in the EU. Lists eConsulting services and some information about technical standards for the design of structures, called Eurocodes.
- Czech Green Building Council (CZGBC): This non-profit organization is interested in sustainable construction. Among other things, CZGBC organizes interesting events for the public.
- Emerging Construction Technologies: This site presents Emerging Construction Technologies that might have a high Impact on the construction industry. Divided into five areas: Civil, Mechanical, Internet-based, Electrical, and Other.
- Spatial planning portal: Official portal of the Czech Institute for Spatial Development, where you can find an overview of building offices in the Czech Republic and information about their activities. (Czech only)
Additional resources here.
Your contact

Lenka Chladová
- lenka.chladova
- 232 002 510
- 775 887 053
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Tools to support writingSee also
Author: Marek Janik