Materials Science & Engineering
Welcome to the Materials Science & Engineering subject guide. The library has collected literature in these areas since the nineteenth century and is actively expanding its collection in these subjects, including additional eResources (eBooks and eJournals).
Newly arrived journal issues
Most recent print journals issues are available in our Periodicals Reading Room.
Electronic books
- ProQuest eBook Central
- InTechOpen
- Knovel - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access to Knovel through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- ScienceDirect
- SpringerLink
Recommended eBooks
- K. H. Jürgen Buschow. Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology. 2001. - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access to Knovel through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN. Also available in print on shelf 4A119.
- Encyclopedia of Applied Physics. 1999-2014.
- Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. 1999-2014. - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- Krzysztof Matyjaszewski and Martin Möller. Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference. 2012. - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- Tony J.A. Richardson. Shreir's Corrosion. 2010. - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons.University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 1999-2014. - On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons.University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN. Also available selectively in print on shelf 3B143.
Print books
Books about Materials Science & Engineering are located on the third, fourth, and fifth floors.
Subject | Shelf | Call Number |
Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter | 5B105-132 | QC170-197 |
Semiconductor physics | 5B167-168 | QC610.9-611.8 |
Metals (chemistry) | 5C170-171 | QD171-172 |
Polymers. Macromolecules | 5C199-208 | QD380-388 |
Solids. Solid state chemistry (Inorganic and organic) | 5C252-254 | QD478 |
Biomedical materials. Biomaterials | 5C366-369 | R857.M3 |
Materials of engineering and construction | 4A108-4B029 | TA401-492 |
Strength of materials. Mechanics of materials | 4B012-016 | TA404.8-418.84 |
Materials of special composition or structure | 4B012-016 | TA418.9.A-Z |
Composite materials | 4B012-015 | TA418.9.C6 |
Nanostructured materials | 4B015 | TA418.9.N35 |
Nonmetallic materials | 4B016-023 | TA418.95-455.2 |
Wood | 4B016 | TA419-424.6 |
Masonry materials | 4B016-019 | TA425-446 |
Artificial materials. Brick, cement, concrete | 4B016-019 | TA431-446 |
Glass | 4B019 | TA450 |
Other nonmetallic materials. Plastics, polymers, sand | 4B019-023 | TA455.A-Z |
Ceramic materials | 4B019-020; 4B016 | TA455.C43; TA430 |
Silicates | 4B023 | TA455.S46 |
Metals | 4B023-029 | TA459-492 |
Materials (Mechanical engineering) | 3A104-3B029; 4C090-201 | TJ5-1350; TL210-900 |
Electric apparatus and materials | 4C275-290 | TK452-454.4 |
Materials (Electronics) | 4D185-191 | TK7871-7871.15 |
Semiconductors | 4D194-198 | TK7871.85-7871.99 |
Materials (Nuclear engineering) | 3A067-068 | TK9185-9185.2 |
Metallurgy | 3B076-099 | TN600-799 |
Nonmetallic minerals | 3B100-112 | TN799.5-948 |
Building and ornamental stones | 3B113 | TN950-997 |
Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass | 3C013-026 | TP785-869 |
Polymers and polymer manufacture. Plastics | 3C038-057 | TP1080-1185 |
Manufactures | 3C069-200 | TS1-2301 |
Textiles and synthetic fibres | 3C186-189 | TS1300-1865 |
Woodworking | 3C202 | TT180-200 |
Metalworking | 3C203 | TT205-267 |
Recommended books
- Hans-Karl Rouette. Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing. Vol. 1-3. 2001.
- Mel M. Schwartz. Composite Materials Handbook. 1992.
- Proceedings - edition: Materials science foundations (Trans Tech Publications).
Rare books
Search for items published before 1920 in our rare books collection.
Online articles
- DIPPR Project 801 - This database contains verified physico-chemical properties of the substances used in industry and chemical processes. On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access to Knovel through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- IEEE/IET Electronic Library - This full-text database contains more than 3 million documents and covers 166 IEEE journals, 26 IET journals and proceedings from over 1,200 IEEE and IET annual conferences. You can also find over 2,500 IEEE standards in key technology fields. Available to registered patrons.
- Total Materia - The world's most comprehensive database of metal materials. On library workstations only, for registered NTK patrons. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) students and staff have remote access through the UCT Prague proxy server or VPN.
- Nature Complete - Access to all content in all Nature Publishing Group journals (one of the most impact scientific publisher). Available to registered patrons.
- ProQuest SciTech Collection - This collection provides full-text access to articles in the technological sciences, advanced technologies, and engineering, and it contains over 1,850 full-text journals. Available to registered patrons.
- SAGE STM Collection - This collection contains over 300 full-text journals and provides full-text access to articles from science, technology and medicine. It also contains collection of journals orientated directly to materials. Available to registered patrons.
- Other recommended resources
Electronic journals
A-Z title list of electronic journals in Materials Science & Engineering
Open access journals indexed in the DOAJ
Recommended journals
ISSN | Title |
0169-4332 | Applied Surface Science |
0142-9612 | Biomaterials |
0969-0239 | Cellulose |
0266-3538 | Composites Science and Technology |
0955-2219 | Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
1476-1122 | Nature Materials |
1748-3387 | Nature Nanotechnology |
0142-9418 | Polymer Testing |
0960-8974 | Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials |
0036-8075 | Science (AAAS) |
Print journals
A-Z title list of print journals
Current volumes of print journals in these subjects are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor.
Reference resources
- AccessEngineering Library - Includes over 300 engineering reference sources from McGraw-Hill Professional. The library does not subscribe to this resource, so there is a fee for full-text.
- CERN Document Server - Contains documents and multimedia files from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) with more than 1 million physics-related bibliographic records and full-text documents.
- Materials Project - Provides open access information about materials as well as analytical tools that may inspire you to design new materials. Free access to this database is possible if registered.
- MatWeb: Material Property Data - Freely available database of technical specifications of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, etc.). Contains information about more than 105,000 materials.
- MEMS Materials Database - Database with a complete list of materials and their properties plus information about production in engineering.
- Microsoft Academic - Provides you with highly relevant search results from academic content from over 80 million publications.
- NIST Structural Ceramics Database (SCD) - Contains the properties of materials and evaluated data related to modern ceramics, including structural ceramics, building ceramics, and fine ceramics.
- Scientific.Net - Freely searchable database providing access to article abstracts in the field of materials science and mechanical engineering.
- Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) for Research and Business - The German National Library's of science and technology database enables search of more than 160 million records in engineering, architecture and other technical disciplines.
Additional resources here.
Web pages
- Corrosion Source - Portal with information about all aspects of corrosion and materials.
- Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies - CSNMT is interested in promoting scientific and technological development in the field of new materials and technologies, including their applications in practice and in relation to international cooperative activities.
- European Steel and Alloy Grades/Numbers - Freely searchable database of engineering materials containing information about classification and chemical composition of mechanical and technological properties of materials.
- Internet Resources for MSDS - List of databases containing information about Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
- Materials Research Society - A non-profit organization in the United States for scientists, engineers, and research managers in the private sector, at governmental agencies, and in academia or research organizations that share knowledge about research and development of new materials.
- NIST: Materials Science Portal - US National Institute of Standards and Technology portal. Defines standards, methodologies, and measurement models for plastics, carbon nanotubes, high-strength low-alloys, and other new materials.
- ResearchGate - A social network specially designed for the scientific community. More than 35 million scientific papers are accessible.
- SubsTech: Substances & Technologies - SubsTech is a knowledge base for materials engineering with illustrated articles about metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and liquids.
- SVUM a.s. PRAGUE - SVUM a.s. is a Czech private research organization that specializes mainly in research and development of metals, plastics, composites, and the testing of their properties in accredited laboratories.
Your contact

Lucie Šajmanov
- lucie.sajmanov
- 232 002 547
Materials Science & EngineeringSee also
Author: Marek Janik