The library's collection contains a wide though not exhaustive range of materials.
Newly arrived print journal issues in Law
Most recent print journals are available in our Periodicals Reading Room (third floor, to the right of the elevator).News
- Legislative news can be found in the ASPI database, which is available on Public Computers in the NTK (login instructions can be found in the Electronic Information Resources section).
- GDPR Portal - The EU General Data Protection Regulation
Electronic books
- EBSCOhost
- EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate
- JSTOR Digital Library
- ProQuest Ebook Central
- ProQuest Central
- SpringerLink
- Other recommended databases
Recommended eBooks
The National Library of Technology offers the collection of four major publishers: Springer, Taylor&Francis, Elsevier a Wiley, which also cover the subject of law.
Print books
Publications about law are on the sixth floor, sector B, shelves 6B006-7 and 6B042-6B068, call numbers starting wtih K; details:
Subject | Shelf | Call Number |
Law in general, comparative and uniform law, curisprudence | 6B038-41 | K1 - K7720.22 |
Regional comparative and uniform law | 6B042-B043 | KF - KJE |
Czechoslovakia (to 1993), Czech Republic (1993- ) | 6B043-67 | KJP1 - KJP9999 |
Law of nations | 6B068 | KL, KWX, KZ |
Publications about Political science are on the sixth floor, sector B, shelves 6B024 -6B037, call numbers starting with J.
Online articles
Electronic Journals
Print Journals
Current Issues are in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor.
Reference resources
- ASPI - Only for registered patrons, in the library only. ASPI specializes in providing legal information (online legislation, rules, case law, and commentaries from the Czech Republic as well as from other European judiciary bodies). "Legal Regulations" contains information about all regulations published in the Law Codes (Sbírka zákonů and Zbierka zákonov) since 1945 and it also includes older, outdated regulations dating back to 1811 which are still significant, including nationalization, restitution, probation, and others. ASPI also contains indexed legal and economic magazines and other selected legal literature.
- Other recommended databases
- EUR-LEX -EU law and other public EU documents plus the electronic Official Journal of the EU in 24 languages.
- eJustice - The European eJustice Portal is conceived as a future electronic one-stop-shop in the area of justice. As a first step, it strives to make life in the EU easier by providing information on justice systems and improving access to justice throughout the EU, in 23 languages.
- Glossaries and terminology EU
- IATE - "Inter - Active Terminology for Europe"
Key institutions
- The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic - The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, seated in Brno, is the highest judicial authority both in civil and criminal matters except for issues dealt with by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Administrative Court. Includes database of decisions.
- The Supreme Administrative Court - The Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, seated in Brno, is the highest judicial authority in matters falling within the competence of administrative courts.
- Industrial Property Office - The Industrial Property Office (IPO CZ) is a central body of state administration of the Czech Republic acting in the field of industrial property protection.
- International Court of Justice
- Europa - EU official portal, including EU law.
Other institutions
- Czech Bar Association - The Czech Bar Association is the largest legal professional organization in the Czech Republic. It is a self-governing organization performing public administration of the legal profession and, as such, it protects and guarantees the quality of the provision of the legal services by lawyers.
- MITOpenCourseWare - is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content and it is open and available to the world.
- The Parliamentary library - The Parliamentary library is one of the departments of the Office of the Chamber of Deputies. It provides public library and information services.
- The Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - the library provides of legal literature (encyclopedias, monographs, textbooks, official legal materials) covering all fundamental branches of Czech and international law as well as selected foreign legal systems.

Alena Dvořáková
- alena.dvorakova
- 232 002 596
Chemie a chemická technologie, Odborné zdroje o COVID-19, Životní prostředí, Nanotechnologie, PrávoSee also
Previous authors: Andrea Kučerová, Jana Orlová