The library's collection contains materials in the fields of transport management, planning, economics, engineering; motor vehicles, aeronautics, astronautics, and the automotive industry. We actively collect materials in these fields, with a large number of print and online books and journals supplemented by other online resources and web pages
Newly arrived journal issues
Most recent print journals available in our Periodicals Reading Room (third floor to right of elevator).News
Electronic books
Print books
Subject | Shelf | Call Number |
Transportation and communications | 6A209-220 | HE1 - HE300 |
Urban transportation | 6A221 | HE305 - HE311 |
Transportation geography, trade routes | 6A222 | HE323 - HE327 |
Traffic engineering | 6A223-225 | HE331 - HE380 |
Water transportation | 6A226-227 | HE380.8 - HE971 |
Railroads | 6A228-232 | HE1001 - HE5600 |
Automotive transportation | 6A233-235 | HE5601 - HE5725 |
Postal service | 6A236-237 | HE6000 - HE7500 |
Air transportation, airlines | 6A239-240 | HE9761 - HE9900 |
Transportation engineering | 4B065-068 | TA1001 - TA1280 |
Canals and inland navigation, waterways | 4B100 | TC601 - TC791 |
Highway engineering, roads and pavements | 4B153-164 | TE1-TE450 |
Railroad engineering and operation | 4B165-187 | TF1-TF1620 |
Bridge engineering | 4B188-B192 | TG1 -TG304 |
Heat engines | 4C147-151 | TJ255 - TJ265 |
Turbines. turbomachines (general) | 4C152-153 | TJ266 - TJ267.5 |
Steam engineering | 4C154-155 | TJ268 - TJ740 |
Miscellaneous motors and engines | 4C156-160 | TJ751 - TJ805 |
Machinery exclusive of prime movers | 4C176-182 | TJ1040 - TJ1119.2 |
Hoisting and conveying machinery | 4C200-201 | TJ1350 - TJ1418 |
Lifting and pressing machinery, agricultural machinery, farm machinery | 4C202-203 | TJ1425 - TJ1496 |
Telecommunication | 4D047-124 | TK5101 - TK6720 |
Motor vehicles, aeronautics, astronautics | 3A075-3B029 | TL1 - TL4050 |
Mine transportation, haulage and hoisting | 3B072-73 | TN331 - TN347 |
Military (maintenance and transportation) | 3C211 | UC10 - UC780 |
Military engineering, air forces, air warfare | 3C212-215 | UG1-UG1530 |
Navigation. merchant marine | 3C216 | VK1 - VK1661 |
Naval architecture, shipbuilding, marine engineering | 3C217-219 | VM1-VM989 |
Online articles
Electronic Journals
Open access eJournals in DOAJ.
Recomended eJournals
- Transportation research. Part B: methodological
- Accident Analysis & Prevention
- Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
- Journal of Transport Geography
Print Journals
A-Z list of print journals in the NTK collection
Current volumes of print journals in transport are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor, shelves 3D112-113. Visit also shelves 3D115-116 (railroads) and 3D169-3D179 (motor vehicles, aeronautics, astronautics).
Reference resources
- TRID - More than one million records covering transportation research worldwide.An integrated database combining records from TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services Database (TRIS) and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation Database (ITRD).
- RITA - RITA brings together important data, research and technology transfer assets from the US Department of Transportation (DOT), including Bureau of Transportation statistics and the National Transportation Library. Includes information about intelligent transportation systems; positioning; navigation; timing and spectrum management; research, development and technology; the Transportation Safety Institute; and the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. RITA also provides strategic direction and oversight for the DOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Program.
- Eurostat transport - Transport statistics from the European Union's statistics office in Luxembourg. European-level statistics that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
- CEDB - CEDB is a free bibliographic database offering over 200,000 records from all American Society of Civil Engineers publications. Updates at the end of each month include new journal content for the following month and all other content published in the previous month.
- NTRS - Provides access to aerospace-related citations, full-text online documents, images, and videos. Includes conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos – scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.
- NationMaster - Transport statistics.
- PIARC virtual library - Contains information from PIARC (The World Road Association, established in 1909), bringing together technical reports, dictionaries/lexicons, and other materials published by PIARC members (122 goverments as well as individuals, companies, authorities, and organizations in over 140 countries). Includes a selection of articles published in Routes/Roads magazine.
- UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies library - The Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library houses one of the pre-eminent transportation collections in the United States. Established in 1948, the ITS Library serves the research needs of the Institute of Transportation Studies and the University of California system.
Key institutions: EU and Czech Republic
- European Commission - Directorate General for Mobility and Transport - The aim of the Commission is to promote a mobility that is efficient, safe, secure and environmentally friendly and to create the conditions for a competitive industry generating growth and jobs. The issues and challenges connected to this require action at the European or even international level; no national government can address them successfully alone. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport works in concert with the European Union Member States, European industry, citizens, and stakeholders.
- Ministry of Transport CR - Legislation, transport statistics.
- BESIB - As an integral part of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the BESIB - Road Safety Department - is the coordinating institution for Czech road safety. BESIB focuses on preventive activities aimed at the general public including media-supported nationwide campaigns, traffic education for children and teenagers, and regional coordinatorsʼ activities in individual regions, cities, and towns in the Czech Republic.
Transporting dangerous goods
- Road Safety EU - Dangerous goods - The EU converts these rules into specific directives which apply to all transport in the EU, both within and across national borders.
- UNECE - In order to ensure consistency between all regulatory systems, the United Nations has developed mechanisms for the harmonization of hazard classification criteria and hazard communication tools (GHS) as well as for transport conditions for all modes for transport (TDG). In addition, the UNECE administers regional agreements that ensure the effective implementation of these mechanisms as far as the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterways is concerned.
- ATA - The IATA DGR is the trusted source to help you prepare and document dangerous shipments. Recognized by the world’s airlines for over 50 years, the DGR is the most complete, up-to-date, and user-friendly reference in the air transportation industry.
- International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code - an international guideline to the safe transportation or shipment of dangerous goods or hazardous materials by water on vessel.
International institutions
- OECD - International Transport Forum
- OTIF - The Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) was established on 1 May 1985. The Organisation’s basis under international law is the Convention of 9 May 1980 (COTIF). The predecessor of OTIF was the Central Office for International Carriage by Rail, established in 1893.
- ICAO -The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a UN specialized agency created in 1944 when the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) was signed.
- UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Your contact

Petr Nouza
- petr.nouza
- 232 002 400
- 778 453 024
History of Science and Technology, Military Science, TransportSee also
Previous authors: A. Kučerová, A. Chodounská