Social Sciences
Social Sciences are not the main focus of the library, but you may find some useful resources within our collections, both print and online. If you are searching for Economics and Management or Law, use our specialized subject guides.
Newly Arrived Journal Issues
Most recent print journals are available in the Periodicals Reading Room (third floor, to the right of the elevator).
Registered patrons of NTK can access many relevant and up-to-date e-books. You can find them by using out sicovery search bar on the top of the page or by browsing some of the databases to which we subscribe:
- ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly ebrary) – E-books database available to our registered patrons, including part of the Social Science collection.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: The Sciences and Engineering – Large database of dissertations and theses, contrary to its name also incudes Social Science.
- SpringerLink – Includes a part of the Social Science collection.
- The National Academies Press – Freely available e-books.
- Wiley Online Library – Enables access to over 24 000 e-books.
Recommended eBooks
Printed Books
Subject | Shelf | Signature |
Psychology | 6A/023-24 | BF |
Social sciences (General). Methodology | 6A/054-56 | H |
Statistics for social science |
6A/057-63 6D/129-132 |
Sociology | 6B/008-9 | HM |
Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology |
6B/021 | HV |
Education | 6B/069-78 | L |
Academic writing | 6B/072-76 | LB1025-LB2391 |
Recommended books
Rare Books
You can find plenty of ancient, dirty and dusted old books in rare books collection of NTK, but these books might have significant meaning for the future generations to come. Many classical writers resides in small paper boxes somewhere in the dungeons of NTK hiding before the sun light and paper-eating bugs. The oldest book is probably writen by Albrecht Durer, and you will most likely never see it, because it is locked in the goblin vault without key. You might also be interested in the work of our colleagues on the pages of HF NTK.
Online Articles
Recommended full-text databases
Other databases and search engines
- Google Scholar - Google Scholar allows you to search the Internet for scholarly literature and provides information about NTK eResources. You can set the library link by adding "Národní technická knihovna" to your settings. "Získat v NTK(SFX)" - "Find at NTK" - will appear if the library subscribes to a particular item.
- Scopus - Extensive abstract and citation database of scientific literature containing approximately 50 million entries from almost 25,000 title (journals, procceedings, books, etc.) from 5,000 publishers.
- Web of Science - Leading bibliographic and citation database covering the most impactful global and regional scholarly journals, books, and proceedings. Current and retrospective (1900-present) coverage in the technical and natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and the humanities.
Electronic Journals
You can use the e-journals A-Z list to find a specific journal.
Printed Journals
The two latest volumes of printed journals are available in the Periodical Study Room on the third floor. Older volumes can be found on the shelves or you can order them from the closed stacks.
All printed journals can be found in the library catalogue.
Research Methods and Data Processing
- Open Textbook Library - Social Sciences – Freely accessible textbooks. Textbooks on statistics cann be found in the Mathematics section.
- Research Methods in the Social Sciences – YouTube channel with lecture on methodology and software use in research.
- Research Methods Knowledge Base – Online textbook on research methods in social science by William Trochim from Cornell University.
- Social Research Methods (print) – Widely used and acclaimed textbook on reseach methods in social science written by Alan Bryman.
- Statistical dictionary – Testing version of a multilingual statistical disctionary developed by the Prague University of Economics and Business.
- Statistics Glossary – Glossary of basic terminology in statistics (Glasgow University).
Science and Technology in Society
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – Online encyclopaedia, contains entries covering the interrelation of sicence, technology and society.
- Technology in Society – International journal with focus on the mutual impact of technology and society. Accessible to registered patrons of NTK.
Electronic Handbooks in NTK
Research Institutions
- Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies (Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Oxford Internet Institute – Multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet.
- Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) – International, nonprofit association that fosters interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine.
- Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Statistical Data and Analyses
- The Public Opinion Research Centre – Opinion poll agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
- Czech Statistical Office
- EUROSTAT – European Statistical Office.
- OECD.stat – Statistical data about the OECD member countries.
- Our World In Data – Scientific online publication that focuses on large global problems such as poverty, disease, hunger, climate change, war, existential risks, and inequality. The research team is based at the University of Oxford.
- Pew Research Centre – Nonpartisan American think tank. It provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world.
Data Archives
- Czech Social Science Data Archive – National centre providing access to primary data used in Czech social science research.
- ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) – Provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction (more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences).
- (Registry of Research Data Repositories) – Global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. Enables searching by academic fields, countries or type of data.
- – Search through the catalogues of dozens of Czech libraries.
- National Library of the Czech Republic
Your contact

Tomáš Razím
- tomas.razim
- 232 002 529
- 608 349 225